"I must, I must, I must increase my bust." If you're familiar with the works of Judy Blume, this quote from "Are you there God, It's me Margaret" might evoke memories from your youth, especially those of desiring a more ample bustline. Back then, I was humorously called a pirate's treasure, a sunken chest. Although it was adolescent teasing and somewhat inaccurate, I didn't realize how lucky I was at the time. After spending the last 20 years wearing a bra every single day, eagerly waiting to get home and take it off, I yearn for the braless days I once enjoyed. For me, it took many more years and experiencing pregnancy to achieve what I felt were the right breasts for me. The thing is, just as I was finally getting it right, I began to worry that gravity would steal away my perfect (to me) breasts before I had enough time to enjoy them. Little did I know that all those years of doing yoga, I had been lifting, growing, and strengthening the muscles in my breasts in the best possible way. I am a firm believer in yoga and all its benefits. Here is one more reason why women, young and old, full and voluptuous or petite, should incorporate yoga into their regular routine. Not convinced yoga will make a difference? Try it yourself. Below is a sequence of poses that are said to be beneficial for the breasts.
Upward Facing Dog - Urdha Mukha Svanasana
Warrior I - Virabradrasana
One-Legged King Pigeon - Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
Camel - Ustrasana
Cow Face Pose - Gomukhasana
Tree Pose - Vrksasana
Easy Pose - Sukhasana
Among all of these poses, I found this last one to be the best way to end this post. This is my breast enhancing version of easy pose or sukhasana.
Sit in easy pose.
Bring your palms together at heart center in Anjali Mudra.
Push the palms together while lifting the chest muscles.
Silently to yourself chant "I must, I must, I must increase my bust" repeating several times.
Smile and remember the power of intention.
I am now certain that Judy Blume, or the characters portrayed in her books were like me, avid yogis themselves!